Accounts, Platforms, Fees

Most account types are available including:

  • individual
  • joint
  • trust
  • donor advised fund
  • private foundation
  • organization
  • individual retirement
  • 529 college savings

You can transfer your existing assets already managed elsewhere such as with brokers, investment advisors, retirement accounts, trust companies, or banks. Perhaps you will be starting out with a cash transfer from a bank, inheritance, investment account, or retirement plan. Your account transfers will be coordinated and monitored for you through our industry-standard systems, account custodians, networks, and team of professionals.

Investment accounts are normally held via custodial arrangement with Charles Schwab Institutional (or Schwab Bank for trusts), Folio Institutional, or other major custodians as disclosed on your account application. Occasionally an account may need to be held directly with a mutual fund company or other platform. In all cases you receive regular statements and confirmations directly from your account custodian.

Depending on your situation, objectives, and other factors, your portfolio may include:

  • mutual funds and ETFs
  • private debt and equity offerings
  • managed model portfolios
  • separate account management

Our branch investment management minimum is typically $1,000,000. This may be in one account or aggregated across several of your accounts. We are sometimes able to make an exception–please check with us to discuss your situation. More information is in Natural Investments’ SEC Form ADV Brochure, service agreements, platform disclosures, and prospectuses, any of which we are happy to review with you.

Please contact us to discuss your interests, situation, and objectives. Ask about a complimentary initial consultation which take can place in-person, virtually, or by phone with team. From there, we can have further discussions to carefully discuss your investment risk tolerance, financial situation, objectives, and other factors to develop your Investment Policy Statement. Only after these intentional steps will our office implement a plan and begin serving you. We look forward to talking with you!

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