Podcasts, Webinars, and Books


Perpetual Purpose Trust Ownership

Michael Kramer presented Natural Investments ownership transition by Ryan Honeymoon on the Next Economy Now podcast as well as Michael Kitces on the Financial Advisor Success podcast.

Michael Kramer: The Power of Sustainable Finance and Purpose-Driven Ownership — LIFT Economy

Perpetual Purpose Trust To Facilitate Internal Succession – Financial Advisor Success

Highly Sensitive Money is a podcast by Natural Investments advisor Diana Yañez that gives Highly Sensitive People (HSP) who are passionate about social justice resources to align their money with their values. 


Perpetual Purpose Trust Ownership

Trust Stewards Nicole Middleton Holloway, Malaika Maphalala, and Michael Kramer presented Natural Investments ownership transition to a meeting of the Racial Justice Investing coalition.

Black Economic Self-Determination with Ed Whitfield

Historian and scholar Ed Whitfield will present an accessible account and framework of Reconstruction. We will talk about how we can continue to be on the path towards racial justice and repair for Black, Indigenous, POC and working class people.

Additional Webinars

Watch and subscribe to Natural Investments’ YouTube channel for additional content.


Natural Investments has been at the forefront of the socially responsible investment world for 30 years. We’ve written three books on socially responsible investing, each one on the leading edge of current practice at the time of publication.

The Resilient Investor

Our new book, The Resilient Investor: A Plan for Your Life, Not Just Your Money (H. Brill, Kramer, Peck), was published in February 2015 by Berrett-Koehler. Here, we look at investing with a wider lens, including not only our financial investments, but also our personal and social assets (skills, relationships, community) and tangible assets (homes, shared infrastructure, ecological systems) in the context of various future scenarios. It’s available now at an independent bookstore near you or from Amazon, Powell’s or Berrett-Koehler. For much more on this innovative new approach to investing, and life, visit The Resilient Investor website.


Investing With Your Values: Making Money and Making a Difference (J. Brill, H. Brill, Feigenbaum; Bloomberg, 1999; New Society, 2001) marked the expansion of SRI to include community investing and shareholder advocacy, and also features an in-depth review of the history of money and the modern economic system, as well as concluding chapters highlighting the ways that many are working to move beyond business as usual.

Investing From the Heart (J. Brill; Crown, 1992) charted the emergence of SRI, focusing on positive and negative screening and the desire to have our money working in the world in ways that reflect our personal values.

In addition to books, Natural Investments publishes a quarterly newsletter that features short, friendly articles on a wide range of topics related to money, society, and constructively engaging the modern economy. Several Natural Investments advisors publish articles in national and regional outlets. Natural Investments’ Insights features many of these newsletter and outside articles, as well as commentary on topical issues of the day.

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