You care about human rights, environmental sustainability, and social justice. Imagine the positive impact if your investing strategies were better aligned with these while also working for competitive financial returns. In addition to investment best-practices like risk management and asset allocation you can now also align your investment portfolio by integrating:
- Environmental sustainability, social, and governance (ESG) factors: Essential elements of a company’s long-term performance are integrated into the investing process.
- Community investing pools and funds: Notes, bonds, or funds that help people regain socio-economic self-empowerment, support fair trade, and BOP micro-lending.
- Shareowner advocacy: Engagement with companies to improve their ESG practices which can help manage risks and opportunities and maybe even improve performance. Strategies include dialog with company management, shareholder resolutions, and proxy voting.
These strategies are already being used successfully by leading families, individuals, and organizations including: F.B. Heron Foundation, Economic Opportunity Institute, Rose Foundation, Mott Foundation, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, Seattle Audubon Society, and The Needmor Fund.
Learn more about these strategies.
Now you can easily take advantage of these strategies by utilizing our expertise, services, and platform. Here’s the process.
- Initial Consultation: Your financial situation, goals, and expectations are reviewed. Your Financial Review Organizer guides our conversation.
- Produce Investment Policy Statement (IPS): We develop an IPS for you based on your situation, risk tolerance, cash flow, and objectives. Your IPS provides you and our team a common framework guiding the implementation and ongoing management of your investment services.
- Implementation: Your accounts and investment services are initiated and managed according to your investment policy.
- Monitoring and Ongoing Service: Your account management services including asset allocation, manager performance monitoring, and cash flow management are taken care of on your behalf. Periodic financial reviews are offered according to your schedule and needs.
Please give us a call or complete the contact form to discuss your individual, family, trust, or foundation situation.