
What is Socially Responsible Investing?

You can align your values with your money!

We provide you with an investment portfolio that avoids what you find objectionable and supports the transition to a more just and regenerative economy. Through funds, stocks, bonds, community investments, and other instruments, your assets can reflect the change you wish to see in the world using three investment strategies:

Screened Corporate Investing avoids companies and industries that do harm and seeks companies that work for a better world. We also use the power of ownership to engage in dialogue with company management, and support shareholder resolutions, regulations and laws that change company policies and practices and foster greater transparency to investors on how they operate.

Community Investing puts money into the hands of local people, particularly people of color and women, who are buying homes, starting and growing businesses, and creating resilient and thriving neighborhoods and community facilities around the world.

Impact & Regenerative Investing finances private, deep green sustainability and mission-oriented enterprises and innovative projects that can change the economic system, improve the health of natural systems, and foster social, cultural, and racial equity, justice, and wealth-building.

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