
Investing with Intent – Winter 2025

This quarter’s issue of the “Investing with Intent” newsletter for clients and friends addresses responsible investing after the election, protecting the Amazon rainforest, investing in farming in sub-Saharan Africa, and an update on the firm’s internal racial equity work.

Investing with Intent – Winter 2024

This newsletter, “Investing with Intent,” is distributed to clients and friends of Natural Investments, PBLLC (NI). NI is an investment adviser registered with the SEC.

ESG for Impact Conference Emphasizes Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

On Oct. 8-11, I served on the agenda committee of the ESG for Impact Conference in Broomfield, Colorado, and coordinated two panels within the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion track. The first panel, “Creativity, Connection, and Community: ESG+I and Indigenous Investment Success,” discussed how investors can approach Indigenous partnership by supporting community values, data sovereignty,

SOCAP Global in San Francisco Highlights Indigenous Voices

On Oct. 23-25 last fall, I attended SOCAP23 in San Francisco. The 15th annual conference brought together 3,200 investors, entrepreneurs, and social impact leaders to accelerate progress toward solving the world’s toughest challenges through market-based solutions. A recurring theme of the conference was the precarious state of our climate and the need for a worldwide

The Most Important Tasks for Cybersecurity

Imagine we’re out camping. It’s dark and cold, and we’re huddled around a dwindling campfire. With a look over my shoulder, I ask you to lean in close. I have a ghost story to tell you, but this one is real. Really real, like, scary real—happened to a friend of mine. According to Statista, the

The Assembly of Black Possibilities Invites Participants to Rethink Investment Practices

On Oct. 2-3 last fall, at The Assembly of Black Possibilities, a two-day convening in Boston, I ran a workshop with Tiffany Brown of NI and Chordata Capital called “Money Talks: Aligning Your Values with Investment Choices.” We had the opportunity to share our core values, engage in “real talk” about the opportunities and limitations

In SRI News – Winter 2024

Nominated by our friends at Calvert Impact Capital, Environmental Finance named NI 2023 Advisor of the Year.

Market Report Winter 2024

Encouraging inflation data propelled a big rally across markets in December, with a classic portfolio of stocks and bonds delivering its best monthly returns in years. For the quarter, large-company stocks were up 11.7% and for the year up 26.3%. Small-company stocks rose 14% for the quarter and went up 16.9% for the year. Foreign

A Judicial Victory

Two years ago, the SEC approved the Nasdaq’s proposed new rule on board diversity and disclosure that would require all Nasdaq-listed companies to provide data on board members’ gender, race, and self-identification as LGBTQ+. The rule would also require that boards include at least one female and at least one person who self-identifies as an

Shareholder Advocacy: The Radicals on the Hill

Unfortunately, when the U.S. House of Representatives selected Mike Johnson, R-La., as its Speaker, they picked someone who has been vehemently opposed to socially responsible investing. In the past six years, he sponsored four bills (that didn’t pass) to curtail it, stating that the Department of Labor is overreaching its authority by allowing retirement plans

Investing with Intent – Fall 2023

This newsletter, “Investing with Intent,” is distributed to clients and friends of Natural Investments, PBLLC (NI). NI is an investment adviser registered with the SEC.

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