
Investing with Intent – Winter 2025

This quarter’s issue of the “Investing with Intent” newsletter for clients and friends addresses responsible investing after the election, protecting the Amazon rainforest, investing in farming in sub-Saharan Africa, and an update on the firm’s internal racial equity work.

NI Venn Diagram

Natural Investments Tops $1 Billion

Natural Investments, LLC today announced that its assets under management (AUM) now total over $1 billion.  Founded in 1989, but rebranded under a revised name in 2007, Natural Investments’ advisors have for 30 years been one of the original firms to exclusively focus on sustainable, responsible, and impact (SRI) investing. Publishers of three definitive books

100th Issue Cover

NI Newsletter Summer 2019

Tales of the Quarter Century by Michael Kramer 2019 Summer Market Commentary The following articles appear from our archives as part of the 100th issue special, celebrating twenty-five years of quarterly newsletters. Download NI Newsletter Summer 2019

2009: After the Financial Crisis, Reform

This article is from our archives as part of the 100th issue special, celebrating twenty-five years of quarterly newsletters.  Policy matters. Natural Investments has participated in public policy conversations and attended meetings on the Hill in Washington, D.C., for years and will continue to serve as a voice for fair and just financial regulations. It’s

2006: Community Investing after Hurricane Katrina

This article is from our archives as part of the 100th issue special, celebrating twenty-five years of quarterly newsletters.  Community investment is one of three pillars of socially responsible investing, alongside screening and shareholder advocacy. As natural disasters increase with climate change in the 21st century, this article illustrates why Natural Investments has always made

2003: How We Can Help Stop the Genocide in Darfur

This article is from our archives as part of the 100th issue special, celebrating twenty-five years of quarterly newsletters.  Finding this article in our archives, shortly after the attempted coup in Sudan this spring, we are reminded that the human toll in resource-related conflict is real, and economic consequences can extend for decades. The statistics

2001: Bringing Consciousness to Capitalism

This article is from our archives as part of the 100th issue special, celebrating twenty-five years of quarterly newsletters.  A reflection on how our founders came to “natural investing” over thirty years ago, planting the seeds for today’s vibrant Natural Investments group, which includes twenty advisors all across the U.S. helping clients manage a half

2000: NI Scores High in New York Times Fund Study

This article is from our archives as part of the 100th issue special, celebrating twenty-five years of quarterly newsletters. For seven years, we took part in a New York Times study to find the best investment portfolio. As the only socially responsible money manager invited to participate, our founder Jack Brill was the “long shot,”

1994: Viva South Africa!

This article is from our archives as a part of our 100th issue special, celebrating twenty-five years of quarterly newsletters.  References to divestment as an advocacy tool appear throughout this anniversary issue, but the South Africa divestment movement of the 1980s is credited with being the first successful campaign by socially-conscious investors to help catalyze

Tales of the Quarter Century

Vintage Natural Investment Services logo as part of the 100th issue special, celebrating twenty-five years of quarterly newsletters.  Before we were financial advisers, most of us were educators who felt called to drive positive change through teaching, writing, innovating, movement-building, and leading by example in sustainability and social justice. We  have nurtured this commitment over

What’s Up on Wall Street: Summer 2019

Stocks and bonds continued to perform well during the second quarter, in spite of an uncertain trade environment and worrying international tensions with Iran. For the quarter, the stocks of U.S. large companies were up 5.0%, U.S. small companies rose 2.4%, and foreign stocks rose 4.3%. U.S. bonds were up 3.0%. While the markets ended

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