Resilient investing, holistic life planning, contemplative finance, regenerative agriculture
Christopher brings wit and humor to every encounter, the affable advisor.
Services | Portfolio Management ($1 million minimum) & Financial Planning/Consulting (hourly)
Location | California
Phone | 707-758-0171
Christopher has long history with natural investing, beginning as an investor in Working Assets mutual funds in 1987 while still in college.
In 1998 he became an investment advisor, opening his own firm, Holistic Solutions, to teach classes in holistic financial planning and advise clients on all areas of sustainable personal finance. He joined Natural Investment Services in 2004 and in 2007, he, Hal and Michael joined forces as equal owners and managing directors in the re-named Natural Investments LLC. He holds the Accredited Asset Management Specialist designation from the College of Financial Planning, is a certified educator in Holistic Management, and has led workshops, classes and training in a broad range of personal finance topics. He has taught finance at the nation’s first Green MBA program, socially responsible investing at the Santa Rosa Junior College, and taught a popular class for many years on sustainable local entrepreneurship at New College of California. Christopher is a member of the Social Investment Forum, the Bay Area Social Investment Forum, the Financial Planning Association, and Green America (formerly Co-op America). Christopher has written for or been featured in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, Natural Health, the Green Money Journal, Sonoma County’s Press Democrat, In Practice, the Permaculture Activist, and is a sought after speaker and presenter, having dazzled groups of 3 to 300 at the Marin County Fair, the Sustainable Enterprise Conference, West Coast Green, the Petaluma Green Fair, SolFest, GreenFest, EcoFest, and a feast of other festivities.
He’s always balanced a life of service with his for profit endeavors.
For more than six years he was on the board of Permaculture Drylands Institute, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was responsible for developing an innovative teacher-training course during this time and authored Developing the Art of Teaching: Guidelines to Effective Facilitation, and A Permaculture Curriculum. Upon moving to California, Christopher worked for several years with Sustainable Sonoma County, a non-profit working to educate the county about the ecological footprint, furthering sustainability for individuals and businesses, and the personal and psychological steps needed for making change. Christopher is currently on the board and the Treasurer of Holistic Management International, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which works to address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss while developing economically and ecologically beneficial land use. He also serves as an advisor to the founder and director of Daily Acts, in Petaluma, California.
Christopher has a life-long commitment to sustainability.
As a child he lived for many years on a small organic homestead in Missouri; his grandfather was an organic gardener and beekeeper. After graduating from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1991 with a dual degree in philosophy and mathematics, he began studying and teaching permaculture, a land-based approach to sustaining human culture. In February 1998 he completed the two-year Certified Educator program in Holistic Management. Continuing the dream, he lives in Windsor, California with his partner Genevieve Taylor, a sustainability and organizational development consultant, and one of the founders and the director for the first two years of the wildly successful Sustainable Enterprise Conference. (He’s currently featured in a video on the front page, about a minute in!) They recently purchased a fixer-upper on a little less than an acre, and are knees deep into a green remodel, small farm development and evolving a model of suburban sustainability. Their adventures can be followed at greeninggumview.com. He’s also a bit of a chicken freak, more on that at sustainablechicken.com.
Christopher also has a commitment to spiritual growth.
He is a long-time meditator, and has been sitting and studying at Rocks & Clouds Zendo since 2000. He’s an experienced student of martial arts, with a black belt in Aikido, and currently studies tai chi and chi gung. Christopher loves backpacking, and is always looking for an excuse to escape to the high granite country!