
Green America Seal - Gold
USSIF Member Seal

B Corporation

Natural Investments PBLLC is proud to be a founding Certified B Corp since 2007 and be continually recognized for operating at the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility.

The B Corp designation audits and scores our business practices via an assessment, conducted every few years, that examines how our structure, policies, and practices benefited customers, employees, communities, and the environment in addition to owners.  To qualify and maintain B Corp certification, a company must earn at least 80 points via the assessment’s rigorous criteria, including:

  • Accountability – governance and transparency in a company’s practices and policies and stakeholder engagement.
  • Employees – how a company treats its’ workers through compensation, ownership opportunities, work environment, management/worker communication, job flexibility and corporate culture, and worker health and safety practices.
  • Consumers – the impact a company has on its’ customers, including how a company produces public social and environmental benefits, including to marginalized populations.
  • Community – how a company relates to its’ suppliers, supports diversity, and is involved in its’ local community, including community service and charitable giving.
  • Environment – a company’s environmental performance through its’ policies and practices in the areas of facilities, materials, resource, energy use and emissions.

Natural Investments has been awarded “Best for The World” status as a top scoring B Corporation several times. Considering that tens of thousands of companies have taken the impact assessment, and only 4,000+ have earned the B Corp designation, we’re honored to be one of only a handful of businesses to have achieved this level of excellence several times.

Natural Investments pays membership dues to B Lab to maintain its B Corp status and directory listing. Supporting the work of the organization reflects our values as a firm.

For more information on B Corporations, visit To view details of Natural Investments’ assessment, see our page on the B Corp site at

Green America

Natural Investments is recognized as a Certified Green Business by Green America, a non-profit organization. Green America awards green business certification to businesses that are:

  • Environmentally responsible in the way they source and manufacture products, and run their operations and facilities;
  • Socially equitable and committed to extraordinary practices that benefit the well-being of workers, customers, suppliers, and the greater community; and
  • Accountable for their work by continually improving and tracking their progress, and operating with radical transparency in every facet of their business.

Green Business Certification ensures that companies operate according to these standards:

  • Operate a “values-based” social enterprise according to principles of social justice and environmental sustainability (values statement must be featured on website);
  • Meet or exceed all required standards in its industry. For financial advisors, such requirements include:
  • Maintain a social and environmental mission and vision statement for the business on website.
  • Business core purpose includes a “green” business function.
  • Use some combination of positive and negative screening on social and environmental issues, community development investing and helping clients with shareholder action.
  • Educate clients about socially responsible options and impact regularly.
  • Actively keeps abreast of developments in SRI/ impact investing.
  • Offer a flexible workplace culture that encourages work/life balance and flex schedules.
  • Has an established non-discrimination policy and procedure, and ensures an inclusive workplace culture.
  • Govern fairly and in a transparent manner. Is open to employee input. Has a whistle blower protection policy in place.
  • Use transparent and truthful marketing.
  • Advocate for green business practices in your industry.
  • Maintain a green office (energy, recycled products, paperless, biodegradable products, compositing, fair trade beverages, and e-waste recycling)

Natural Investments pays an annual fee to Green America to maintain certification and be part of its Green Business Network and listed in its National Green Pages directory.

For more information about Green America’s Green Business Certification program, visit Several Natural Investments advisors have Green America directory listings here:  

US SIF: The forum for sustainable and responsible investment

Natural Investments pays annual membership dues to be part of this non-profit national trade association for the sustainable and responsible investment industry. The organization provides research publications, educational courses and webinars, hosts an annual conference, and as the leading voice advancing sustainable investing in the United States, informs the public, media, and elected and appointed officials about the needs and interests of sustainable and responsible investors and investment professionals.

Natural Investments also contributes financially to the organization to sponsor its events and publications. Membership does not infer any form of certification or endorsement of Natural Investments. For more information about USSIF, visit Natural Investments’ directory listing can be fund at

We are members, collaborators, and supporters of various groups over a wide spectrum of issues. Ultimately, each organization gives us the ability to further sustainable and responsible investing for the good of people and planet.

B Lab

B Lab works to create viable alternatives to an economic system that is failing to create solutions in environmental, social equity, and corporate governance areas. It’s initiatives include B Corp Certification, administration of the B Impact Management programs and software, and advocacy for governance structures like the benefit corporation.


CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, runs the global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their environmental impacts.


The Chemical Footprint Project provides a metric for bench-marking companies as they reduce their use of chemicals of high concern and select safer alternatives.


FAIRR helps investors to identify and prioritize livestock production factors through cutting-edge research that investors can then integrate into their investment decision-making and active stewardship processes.


Network for college and university endowment staff, CIO’s, trustees and other fiduciaries can learn about investing for a thriving, sustainable economy for the next generation.


A group of engaged Native American and non-Native stakeholders to advance corporate and investor support for Indian Country.


An association of investors formed to defend share owners’ rights to engage with public companies on governance and long-term value creation, as well as advocates to protect shareholder rights with regulators and legislators.

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