What happens when you contact us about investing?
After listening to you about your life, interests, and goals, we use a client questionnaire to gather details about your financial situation, investment time horizon, future income needs, social and environmental priorities, tax issues, and tolerance for risk. Whether you maintain a risk averse approach focused on preserving capital or generating current income, an aggressive portfolio seeking maximum appreciation, or a more balanced strategy combining the best of both approaches, we can suggest a highly diversified asset allocation that suits your risk profile and needs and mitigates volatility.
We then draft an Investment Policy Statement indicating the overall strategy we propose to manage your assets along with a detailed schedule of investments. Your investment accounts will be set up at a custodian and the assets transferred into them so that once you approve of the strategy and sign the Investment Policy Statement, it’ll be time to start investing. You can monitor your investments’ performance in your own private online portal and connect with your financial advisor at any time about how your portfolio is doing.