By Roland
  • Worked with Liberation Labs to establish Behavioral and Communication Guidelines for our team, including how we support and hold one another accountable in increasing our awareness and learning. Participated in professional development training about power dynamics, psychological safety, and healthy communication methods.
  • Worked with Liberation Labs to establish Behavioral and Communication Guidelines for our team, including how we support and hold one another accountable in increasing our awareness and learning. Participated in professional development training about power dynamics, psychological safety, and healthy communication methods.
  • Shared the story of our ownership conversion as a means to foster racial and gender equity with industry peers via an article in Impact Alpha, a webinar for the Racial Justice Investing Coalition, and as guests on the Next Economy Now and Financial Advisor Success podcasts. These can all be found on our website.
  • Nicole Middleton-Holloway, Malaika Maphalala, and Michael Kramer participated in a webinar for the Racial Justice Investing Coalition on the racial equity innovation aspect of our ownership transition to a Perpetual Purpose Trust.


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