By Roland
  • Created a paid Racial Equity Team within the firm to champion our internal efforts to foster a just, equitable, and safe workplace for all team members.
  • Initiated monthly racial equity coaching for the white male partners, some of whom are now Trust Stewards.
  • Completed the Adaway Group’s Whiteness at Work, an interactive training program in intersectional race and equity work, with 17 advisors.
  • Engaged Every Level Leadership to conduct a racial equity assessment of the firm.
  • Committed to including more consultants, vendors, and service providers of color in procurement (currently our editor, printer, retreat facilitator, due diligence consultant, Heart Rating analyst, and model portfolio analyst are all BIPOC).
  • Nicole Middleton-Holloway participated in US SIF’s Racial Justice Task Force, which generated racial justice investing resources and also an Investor Statement of Solidarity to Address Systemic Racism and Call to Action.
  • Tiffany Brown and Kate Poole led the webinar “Black Economic Self-Determination,” featuring historian and scholar Ed Whitfield, on the ongoing pursuit of Black economic liberation.
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