Sylvia Panek

Enriching lives and bringing financial empowerment to clients concerned for people and planet through socially responsible investing.

* 15+ years of experience in the responsible business and investment industry

* Sustainability MBA from Marylhurst University of Oregon

Services | Portfolio Management ($250k minimum) & Financial Planning/Consulting

Location | Serving clients nationwide from Chicago, IL

My last year in business school, a professor introduced us to the stakeholder model where a company considers the well-being of everyone: employees, customers, community, society. When all other class narratives focused on the shareholder model (do only what maximizes value to investors), it was a revolutionary concept that lit a spark in me. What came out of that lesson was an energy that has sustained me for the length of my career – a business can operate on a triple-bottom line: people, planet, and profit.

Your investment is a consumer choice, like making the decision to buy Fair Trade® coffee at the grocers or opting for organic cotton at a department store. Similarly, you can choose what your investment dollars will fund through socially responsible investing.

I find it a privilege to help clients navigate financial waters and develop wealth-building strategies that align with their social values. As an advisor, I take a prudent approach to your financial well-being. Together we can plan a future around your personal vision, as well as one that positively impacts the world around you.

Does this apply to you? Are you a socially and environmentally conscious person wanting to design a triple-bottom line portfolio? Then contact me to schedule a free initial consultation where we thoughtfully look at your life’s goals.

A native Chicagoan, Sylvia began her career at the Nonprofit Financial Center, assisting nonprofits to operate with security on limited budgets. Afterwards Sylvia spent a decade in Washington, DC where she worked at Green America, an organization devoted to a sustainable economy and planet. She also worked with the financial association US SIF – The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment on research and programmatic efforts, including the Indigenous Peoples Working Group and Community Investing Working Group. Before joining Natural Investments, Sylvia returned to Chicago and consulted for several years with financial professionals on socially responsible investments, including the advisory firm Impact Investors.

Sylvia served on the board of Envest Microfinance Fund and on the board of Chicago, a climate change advocacy group demanding divestment from fossil fuel companies by institutions and individuals. She also served on the associate board for the Delta Institute, a think tank devoted to addressing complex environmental challenges with communities across the Midwest.

Sylvia attended Illinois State University, with a dual bachelor’s degree in International Business and Marketing in 2004. She completed a Sustainability MBA in Green Development and Urban Planning at Marylhurst University in 2014.

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